Therapy for Anxiety
Your mind constantly spins in circles…
…and it’s exhausting.
The amount of time and energy spent on the “what ifs” is enough to distract you from being in the present moment.
It’s hard to feel connected when your brain is busy solving problems that don’t yet exist.
It just won’t seem to stop.

- Did I just say that?
- Why do I always make such a fool of myself?
- What did their response really mean?
- Will I ever be enough?
While the rest of the world has forgotten or moved on, it seems you have not.
You ask yourself, why can’t I just let it go?
Time spent overanalyzing is not time well spent.
You know where you want to be in life and don’t want to miss a step along the way. You gather extensive data, compare yourself to others, and plan for every anticipated problem along the way.
Instead of coming up with an answer or solution, you ruminate over what you cannot control, end up exhausted, and then miss the opportunity to move forward.
It’s time to get the mind to chill out.
A person has an average of 70,000 thoughts per day. Not all of them are helpful. Not all of them are true.
In our work together, we will start with increasing awareness of thought patterns and reworking outdated belief systems. I will teach you how to change your relationship with your mind so that it doesn’t seem so overpowering and controlling.
Imagine being able to detach from the thoughts which cause you such stress and anxiety. It is possible!
You can find that peace of mind! I can help, call me today at (585) 820-9067.